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Our automation-first Managed Services deliver the next level of digital transformation, enabling Local Authorities to deliver the best possible services to their citizens. With over a decade of experience in delivering business-changing IT services, we understand the needs of Local Government departments and deliver solutions tailored to you.

We’re delighted to be a government-approved public sector supplier offering our innovative services through a number of Crown Commercial Service frameworks, including Technology Services 3, G-Cloud Framework, Artificial Intelligence DPS, Automation Marketplace DPS and also through the Scottish Government Digital Technology Services DPS.

Our automation-first services offer a huge opportunity to quickly increase productivity, reduce costs and relieve the pressure on overstretched Public Sector staff. We breathe new life into legacy systems and reduce mundane, manual tasks to free Local Authority workers from the heavy admin burden, so they can focus on delivering more to their residents.

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The Benefits

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Reinvigorate legacy systems

If you can’t change them, automate them! Legacy systems often delay digital transformation programmes because they’re cumbersome and costly to replace, but they’re often also essential! We can design solutions that connect legacy systems to extend the usable life of outdated platforms, so you don’t need to rip them out and start from scratch. This can reduce data duplication and improve the user experience without having to replace systems upfront.

Improve collaboration

Our user-centric IT strategies are designed to make collaboration across organisations easier than ever. We connect siloed systems and can implement data storage and collaboration tools that transform ways of working for Local Authorities.

Improving the ease of sharing information and collaborating via secure digital channels ensures data is protected and everyone can always access the most up to date information. This improves productivity as it reduces the time spent searching data from disparate sources.

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Delivering more with less effort

Streamlining processes and automating repetitive, mundane tasks means Public Sector personnel will have more time to focus on the tasks that add more strategic value within their role. With the right digital strategy, technology can relieve pressure on staff and fill gaps created by workforce shortages, without increasing costs.

Technology can simplify work, increase productivity and enable Public Sector workers to focus on how they can deliver more value to their citizens and communities.

Avanti west Coast Logo

“The value of having a team like Spherica manage the IT Operations is priceless. They immerse themselves in our business and allow us to work in partnership to keep the lights on, make them shine brighter through innovation and enable future plans to be leaders in the use of technology.”

Barj Duhra, Head of Technology Services & Support, Avanti West Coast
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Perfect Home logo

“What Synaptek has delivered in such a short space of time has been nothing short of awe-inspiring!” “We’re really excited for the future and are delighted to have found such a successful partnership with Synaptek.”

Mark Blakelock, Chief Operating Officer, PerfectHome
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Virgin Trains logo

“Spherica are technically excellent and have a fantastic work ethic. We don’t see a Spherica badge – we see an extension of our IT team.”

Dean Underwood, Head of IT Services, Virgin Trains
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Wales Millennium Centre logo

“Spherica carefully tailored the project to our specific requirements and delivered a robust strategy that made a huge difference to our service.”

Mat Milsom, Managing Director, Wales Millennium Centre
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The West Brom logo

“Spherica played a big part in the success of the whole project, doing exactly what we asked of them and making a major contribution to help it to go so smoothly.”

Simon Wheway, Infrastructure Services Manager, The West Brom
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McColl's logo

“With their thoroughness in making technical recommendations, genuine ownership of projects and refreshing levels of responsiveness, Spherica have really impressed us.”

Neil Hodge, IT Director, McColls
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Wave hub logo

“Spherica recommended that we migrated to Office 365 and Box, and we were really impressed with how they managed the project and the ongoing support they provide to us.”

Claire Gibson, Managing Director, Wave Hub
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Download your free Automation Success Kit today

The key to getting your business automation strategy right is to focus on the issues you need to resolve, not the technology. This is just one of the tips we’ve pulled together in our Automation Success Kit, designed to simplify the journey to automation success.

Download this insightful automation roadmap to discover how you can rapidly transform your operations to optimise productivity and enhance the experience of your customers.

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Latest Case Study

How we future-proofed Wales millennium centre's IT Systems

Learn how our on-site workshops, technical assessment and IT strategy helped to future-proof Wales Millennium Centre’s IT systems, and align it with their wider business objectives.

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