Automation-first Network Operations Centre


Lightning-fast issue resolutions and improved up-time

IT environments are more complex and distributed than ever before. With this complexity, when something fails Network Operation Centre (NOC) management teams are bombarded with system alerts. This hampers the speed with which they’re able to identify the root cause of an issue, and with every second of system downtime the business is losing money.

At the heart of our automation-first Network Operations Centre Managed Service is an innovative automated NOC solution called RoboNOC. This combines AIOps and intelligent automation to simplify the complexity in modern IT environments and enable smarter, faster network management.

Our expert Technical Management Team has a deep knowledge of network management and is highly skilled in defining the criticality of services to determine priorities and optimise performance. We’re able to take a holistic view of the network infrastructure and carefully assess how we can integrate and automate systems and processes to improve network security, reduce mean time to resolution and minimise system downtime.



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Automated root cause analysis

Using the latest AIOps technology, root cause analysis is delivered in seconds without the need for manual intervention. Intelligent automation then triggers the correct escalation and remediation of issues to deliver lightning-fast resolutions. Network management teams are no longer hampered by alert noise.

Improved meantime to resolution

Incorporating all monitoring platforms into a single pane of glass view simplifies issue management and enables the visibility engineers need to resolve issues faster than ever. By consolidating information and automating remediation, Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) can be reduced by more than 100%.

Proactively prevent outages

Trend analysis and machine learning enable proactive identification and remediation of issues before an outage occurs. This reduces the frequency and ferocity of outages and enables IT teams to focus on service improvement, safe in the knowledge that network performance is protected.


At the heart of our service is RoboNOC, an automated NOC solution that combines AIOps with intelligent automation to transform network management.

The solution delivers the coveted ‘single pane of glass’ for incident management and automates many manual, recurring tasks to enhance network performance. AI and ML-based resolutions are automatically triggered to triage incidents, manage tickets and escalate tasks to the right people at the right time. It is a revolution in incident management that provides the best protection for your network.

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Download your free Automation Success Kit today

The key to getting your business automation strategy right is to focus on the issues you need to resolve, not the technology. This is just one of the tips we’ve pulled together in our Automation Success Kit, designed to simplify the journey to automation success.

Download this insightful automation roadmap to discover how you can rapidly transform your operations to optimise productivity and enhance the experience of your customers.

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